Dr Liz Levendig

My medical interest has always centered around being vibrant and beautiful, inside and out, and enhancing what brings each of us satisfaction and joy. I have worked in many settings, from prisons to private practice, as well as enjoyed a surgical interest.
My special interest is integrating the spirit with the body, assisting in growing older with deep personal satisfaction as well as a vibrant, healthy body. Adding aesthetics to this is a natural progression to feeling good about ourselves.
Working with like-minded professionals at Live 2ahundred has opened the full spectrum to our clients, encompassing the body, spirit and mind and personal and unique attention to each one of our clients will bring out the best in us all.. patient and practitioner.
Jules Allen-Rowland

I trained initially as a podiatrist and then went on to do a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Communication. I have a private podiatry practice, specializing in diabetic and arthritic patients, but added to that, I studied Exercise Science (SA), Health and Nutrition (UK), Functional Medicine (USA) with a special interest in genetics.
Functional medicine looks at the interplay between our genes, nutrition, lifestyle, exercise and stress and how that relates to health and chronic, non- communicable conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and aging. My sub- studies include genetics, pain management, detoxification, gut management, energy management, hormone and sexual health.
I am concerned at the downward spiral in health care and believe strongly that much of our health status lies within our own power. Education is everything but most of us do not have the time to sift through the vast amount of information out there to establish what will work for us in our own unique context.
I lecture for the Institute of Neuroscience, private corporations and at small workshops. I am committed to empowering people so they are informed, and can make health choices that will impact positively on their life and vitality. At Live2ahundred we look at the body from an Holistic approach but this may also include the aesthetic side. Feeling good ‘about’ our selves as well as feeling good ‘within’ ourselves, is important for longevity and a joyful life.