
Quantum Health Scanning

The Principles of Quantum Scanning

A quantum scanner is the name given to a machine that measures the electromagnetic frequency of our organs and compares the result with that of a healthy organ frequency. The benefit to us is organ information of possible sub-optimal frequencies that may or may not be manifesting on a clinical level.  This allows us to address our health more specifically with a targeted approach, preferably with our primary health care practitioner or alternatively taking pro-active steps ourselves to address lifestyle habits that may be affecting our health and longevity, before it’s too late. Please note that the measurements derived from a quantum scan are for information only and in no way diagnose or treat any illness.  Please discuss with your primary health practitioner before making changes.

Understanding Vibrations and Frequency Within Our Own Body

  • All objects or materials in the universe, whether a rock or a living being,  vibrate at certain frequencies.
  • Because all solids are made up of atoms, and atoms exist in vibrational form on a micro level, these vibrational frequencies, while invisible to the naked eye, are fundamental to all matter.
  • Atoms form the basis of these vibrations in matter, each contributing to the collective frequency of the individual solid.
  • The most common elements found in living tissue are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S). These elements are fundamental to the structure and function of biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of life. Other elements, such as calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), and magnesium (Mg), are also essential in smaller quantities for various biological processes.
  • As each atom or combination of atoms (molecules) vibrates at a specific frequency, the elements that make up the human body all add their individual frequency to the ‘soup’ of our human body.

Organ Vibrations and Health:

  • Different cells and organs in our bodies vibrate at specific frequencies.
  • Changes in these vibrations may indicate health conditions or reflect the effectiveness of treatments.
  • Healthier organs tend to vibrate at higher frequencies.

Examples of Specific Organ Vibrations:


  • Operates at frequencies ranging from a few Hz to over 20 Hz.
  • Responsible for thoughts, emotions, and consciousness.


  • Beats at approximately 2 Hz, sustaining life by pumping blood.


  • Vibrates at around 1000 Hz, contributing to sensory perception.

Other Organs and Systems:

  • Each organ has a unique resonance frequency, typically ranging from 3 Hz to 17 Hz.
  • Vibrations contribute to organ functionality and overall health.

Examples of Common Techniques for Measuring Body Frequencies:

Electroencephalography (EEG):

  • Records brain waves using scalp electrodes.
  • Different brain states have distinct frequency bands.
  • Electrocardiography (ECG):


  • Measures heart rhythms using chest electrodes.

Other Techniques:

  • Electromyography (EMG), skin conductance response (SCR), ultrasound imaging, resonance imaging, infrasound detectors, tuning forks, and vibrometers.

Quantum Vibrations and Health:

Quantum Healing:

  • Cells and molecules emit electromagnetic signals influenced by external frequencies.
  • Quantum coherence within the body may affect well-being.

The Brain and Quantum Fields:

  • The brain operates through a complex interplay of electric and quantum brainwaves.
  • Abnormalities in these fields may lead to abnormal brain function.

Health implications of excessive electromagnetic fields:

  • Electromagnetic fields can influence cellular processes.
  • Resonance between external frequencies and cellular vibrations may impact health. (EMF exposure from cell phone towers).

Applications of Frequency-Based Devices:

Medical Diagnostics and Monitoring:

  • Various techniques aid in diagnosing and monitoring health conditions.

Medical and alternative health approaches all use the concept of vibration for diagnosis and/or treatment.

Examples of Advanced Medical Technologies for Monitoring Organ Vibrations:

  • Ultrasound Sticker for Organ Stiffness:
  • Adheres to the skin to monitor internal organ stiffness.

Whole Body Vibration (WBV):

Dual-mode action with potential medical applications.

Hybrid Quantum CNN for Medical Imaging:

Combines quantum and classical layers for improved medical image classification.

Examples of Holistic Therapies:

  • Sound healing, rife machines, biofeedback, quantum biofeedback machines and even sound and music therapy may be used in health and well-being.

Matter Vibrations vs. Electromagnetic Waves:

  • Matter vibrations are associated with specific frequencies of atoms and molecules.
  • Electromagnetic waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields and interact with matter.
  • Phonons are quasiparticles that represent quantized vibrational energy in a crystalline lattice, typically in solids. They play a crucial role in describing the behavior of atoms and molecules within a solid material. Here’s a deeper dive into phonons:
    • Phonons are collective excitations of atoms or molecules in a solid material.
    • They behave like particles within the crystal lattice, similar to how photons behave as particles of light in quantum mechanics.
    • Phonons describe vibrational modes or waves within the lattice structure, contributing to the thermal and mechanical properties of the material.
  • For the science geeks
    • Quantized Vibrational Energy:
    • In quantum mechanics, energy is quantized, meaning it exists in discrete packets or quanta.
    • Phonons represent these quantized packets of vibrational energy within the crystal lattice.
    • The energy of a phonon is proportional to its frequency, following the relationship described by Planck’s law.
    • Phonons exhibit both wave-like and particle-like characteristics, similar to other quasiparticles.
    • They obey the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantization of energy levels and wave-particle duality.
    • The behavior of phonons is described by quantum field theory, particularly in the framework of condensed matter physics.


In a simplified explanation, all matter vibrates, and it is possible, using electromagnetic waves, to both read the frequency of the matter as well as apply frequencies to matter, that influence the base frequency.  In the same way a tuning fork will transfer frequency (vibration) to another tuning fork this principle is used in various diagnostic and healing modalities. The vibrations used in these modalities are extremely low and as such, completely safe.  The downside to this is that one is not healed ‘in an instant’. All exposure to negative frequencies needs to be eliminated of diminished in the healing cycle.  Foods, cell phones, cell towers, conductors in the body such as heavy metals and even our attitude, affects the collective resonance of the body and individual organs.

Establishing organ health and exposure to pathogenic influence may offer a direction towards health without excessive expense and multiple testing.  Quantum resonance is helpful in this respect.

A report from a section measured in a quantum scanner looks like this.

A summarized report may look like the following section, depending on your own organ measurements.

A quantum scanner measures more than 40 categories, with around 5 specifics within each of those categories. These include categories such as heavy metal exposure, allergies, pesticide sensitivity, hormones, vitamin and mineral status, BMI, kidney and liver health and more. Some scanners measure even more specifics, including bacterial and viral infections within the body.

The advantage of a quantum scan is a peep into our cells and a health direction to address with our doctor, or even something more basic such as what vitamins and minerals does my body need so I don’t waste money on unnecessary supplements?

Health from the Inside