Easy Equation for Staying Healthy in 2023

Hi All

The past 3 years have taught us that health is the number one factor we need to be able to rely on and, also a difficult lesson learned, is that we cannot rely on the medical establishment to support us in our journey towards health.  We have to do this for ourselves. Starting 2023 with some simple concepts will help us head towards the right path to longevity and increased healthspan (as compared to lifespan).

Easy Equation for Staying Healthy

There are many tips and tricks to stay healthy. From the television to magazine advertisements there are several reminders to tell us how to improve our health habits. However, there is an even easier tip to constantly remind us how to return to health. Though it would not completely answer all the health issues we may have, we could apply this as a paradigm of simple measures. An equation for staying healthy could be as easy to remember as one, plus two, plus three, equals 6.


We have to start an equation for staying healthy with the first thing to remember: our life. We only have one body to take care of, so it should not be that hard to monitor and maintain. Furthermore, we only have one mind to think for ourselves. We cannot depend on others to force our resolve.  We can only ask others for expert information that we then have to apply.

Another thing about “One” is that we only have one shot in this life to do this. Of course, we may be able to rectify certain health practices when we stumble, but how sure are we that we would still have that second chance of living a normal life if the damage has already been done?

Therefore, the “One” that is referred to in this equation is our self. We only have one to address and therefore, we should focus on this.

Plus Two

“Two” in this context means that there are only two paths that we can choose, the right and the wrong path. The same analogy goes to a beneficial or a destructive outcome of our bodies. In whatever life choice that we take every single time, we are bringing the self either closer to wellness or sickness. Think of it in this way: we are the flag tied at the center of a rope in a tug of war. One end leads to sickness and eventually death, the other to wellness and eventually longevity. Each moment that we do something, each food choice that we make, or even each day that we do our lifestyle routines, we have to think “To what side are we going then?”

Plus Three

“Three” is relatively simple, as it would pertain to three parts of the day: morning, afternoon, and evening. In relation to this, a person has to plan out the activities in their appropriate time. There are activities that are suitable in the morning, or maybe until the afternoon, and there are also some personal activities that are suitable for the evening. Any unplanned schedule and adherence therefore would result in added stress, and therefore be detrimental to the self.

Examples of activities that are good in the morning are exercise, early morning sunshine, a time to reflect and plan other activities for the rest of the day, and breakfast. As for the afternoon, continued work from the morning, a little bit of recreation perhaps, and an eagerness to get home and rest. Of course, good food choices in each phase are important.

Evenings are good for a cool down walk in the neighborhood, spend time with the family, watch a little television, and definitely sleep.

The exact activities that are placed into these three different times throughout the day differ with regard to each person’s career and work schedule. Nevertheless, it is always safe to assume one of these times contains a resting and sleeping schedule. Stress is a trigger in all illnesses and sleep and rest help to combat stress.

Equals Six

“Six” pertains to the number of minimum hours between meals. Insulin is a fat- making hormone and is secreted every time we eat. When the pancreas is not secreting insulin, it secretes another hormone called glucagon. Glucagon tells the body to burn fat so in order for glucagon to be secreted there needs to be periods within your day when there is no exposure to insulin.

A period of 6 hours between meals allows glucagon to be triggered. The trick to this is NOT SNACKING. (Not even a tiny biscotti with your cappuccino). In fact, the milk in the cappuccino is enough to trigger the insulin response and break the 6-hour break from eating. Eat 2 to 3 meals a day with a minimum of 6 hours between each meal and more hours between food overnight. NEVER have a snack before you sleep.  It completely trashes insulin response and will make you fatter.

Keep these in mind as you begin to plan your 2023 health resolutions.

In Vitality


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